- Masturbation is not evil, dirty or harmful - it will not make you go blind, drive you insane, turn you in to a pervert, stunt your growth, give you an STD, make you sterile or get you pregnant.
- Both guys and girls masturbate, it is a normal and healthy part of sexual development.
- Masturbation is a very personal thing and should not be done in public places or around people who are not willing partners (think safer sex activity).
- You are normal if you masturbate, normal if you wonder about it but don't do it, and normal if you never give it a second thought and don't do it - it is one of the few things in life that is "normal if you do and normal if you don't".
- Masturbation may make sexual intercourse more enjoyable because you will already know what it takes to "please you".
- Masturbation alleviates stress and releases endorphins (the pleasure hormones) in to your system making you more relaxed.
- Masturbation as exploration of the body is common in children between the ages of 3 and 6, in teens masturbation becomes more sophisticated and sexually motivated.
- Surveys have shown that 80% of males and 59% of females have masturbated by age 18.
- Many experts believe that masturbation is more prevalent in the teen years due to a strong fluctuation of hormones; masturbation alleviates the strain of this build up and is a necessary part of development.
- The only real problems that come with masturbation are psychological and are the result of unhealthy or weary attitudes toward doing it (if you do it but are ashamed) or abnormal practices (for example, public masturbation).
- National Masturbation Month was first celebrated in 1995 in honor of Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders, who was fired by President Bill Clinton for her statements supporting masturbation for sexual health.Can you masturbate too much? According to legend, wanking too frequently can cause blindness, insanity, hairy palms, and stunted growth. The American Psychiatric Association says that unless masturbation is getting in the way of your everyday life (work, friendships, falafel), there is no such thing as too much self love.
- Can you masturbate too much? According to legend, wanking too frequently can cause blindness, insanity, hairy palms, and stunted growth. The American Psychiatric Association says that unless masturbation is getting in the way of your everyday life (work, friendships, falafel), there is no such thing as too much self love.
- Hold the Midol. Masturbating is one of the most effective natural ways to relieve menstrual cramps.
- One of the first depictions of a female masturbating was found in a clay figurine in a temple in Malta. The figurine was from the 4th millennium BC. Masturbating is literally an ancient practice.
- Even more health benefits: Studies show that masturbation lowers the risk of type-2 diabetes, lowers the risk of prostate cancer, reduces depressions, and prevents cervical infections in women. It also puts you right to sleep.
- In 17th century Connecticut, masturbators were eligible for the death penalty. Yet another reason why I don’t live in Connecticut.
- Human aren’t the only ones to itch the ditch. Deer, monkeys, walruses, and squirrels have been documented pleasuring themselves. Scientists have even observed female apes using sticks for added pleasure.
- In the nineteenth century, vibrators were only used by physicians, and served the sole medical purpose of curing hysteria — a diagnosis thrust upon “difficult women.” Thanks, Victorians.
- The Kama Sutra, the ancient Indian Hindu sex manual from 400 BC included instructions for masturbating: “Churn your instrument with a lion’s pounce: sit with legs stretched out at right angles to one another, propping yourself up with two hands planted on the ground between in them, and it between your arms.”
- It’s hard to nail down when the first porn ever landed on the internet, but in 1994, Gary Kremen blessed all horny web surfers when he registered the domain Sex.com, considered to be the first dirty site ever.
- There are absolutely no health risks to masturbation (besides a little chafing). Getting on the roads everyday is more dangerous.