These (copulins) hormone-like pseudo-psychological chemicals are emitted by female
primates, and allow the female to affect--and even control--the male
hypothalamus. Copulins are a mixture of vaginal acids suspended in
vaginal fluids and are secreted near the presence of male semen, or
become airborne and transmitted to nearby males.
Research since the mid to late 90s has proven that copulins can affect and even control a male's brain. It's long been known that a female's "pheromones" can affect certain male behavior. Pheromones will affect how a male behaves sexually toward the female, but copulins will affect a male's dominant/submissive behavior. Each female's copulins will affect each male's behavior differently and at different levels. A female whose copulins have a strong effect on a particular male may notice the male wanted to please her, offer gifts, and do what she wants. This is not a sexually driven need to please, but an unconscious reflex, and the female may notice there is no limit to what the male will do for her.
Cumulative effects of copulins on male behavior
Stage 1)
Initial copulin introduction.
The first time a female’s copulins are introduced into a male’s hypothalamus, the effects are usually anticlimactic. Typical reaction ranges from no effect, a general feeling of well-being, or a state of relaxation. Because copulins are similar to pheromones, the male may also find the female more attractive, but this is very rare. The most common reaction is no reaction. At this stage--which can last just one instance, or many—the male’s polypeptides in the hypothalamus are unaffected, and the receptors in the hypothalamus ignore the copulins.
Stage 2)
Initial copulin reception
At this stage, the male brain begins to receive copulins as input. As with all these stages, there is no line in the sand for when the first stage ends and the next stage begins. Some couples never reach this stage. The male’s receptors have begun to accept copulins as neurotransmitters; that is to say, the brain is no longer ignoring the copulins, and is actually being affected by them. The male’s polypeptides continue to do their job, however, so the male is now receiving mixed signals. He may feel slightly confused, but he will still be able to differentiate between his own thoughts and ideas, and those that are foreign. The female’s input may now sound like better ideas than they did before, but the male does still know these are the female’s ideas and not his own.
Furthermore, this is the stage where the male begins to develop recurring behaviors during coupling. Many of the occurrences during this time will become permanent. For example, if the male says something in particular, it may stick, and he will say this same phrase during subsequent couplings. I know of one couple where the male always recites the same joke each time they couple, always after about 20 minutes. This example is somewhat uncommon, for usually the repeated behavior will be something quite ordinary (like saying “I love you.”). It may seem ordinary, but later becomes unusual in that the behavior repeats at about the same time every coupling. The behavior is normal—the pattern is odd. This is a learned behavior, and is caused by when the copulins make their first communication with the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus remembers the copulins when they become present again, triggering whatever behavior the male exhibited that first time. Although at this time the male is aware of his behavior, it is a triggered, habitual response, requiring little thought.
The first phases of addiction begin at this stage as well. As stated before, copulins appear to be highly addictive. What is not known is whether it is a chemical or psychological addiction, or both. This addiction starts out as nothing more than a desire to “do that again sometime”, and this desire is strongest immediately after coupling, quickly weakening as time goes by. We’ll see how this addiction pattern flips in later stages.
In the late phases of this stage, the male may begin exhibiting submissive behavior toward the female, or at least the desire to please. Many females express their belief that this was caused by the intimacy and eroticism of the situation, and the male’s desire to please in order to garner sexual gratification. I disagree with this, but at this point have no way to prove or disprove my assertions.
Stage 3)
Copulin ascendancy
This advanced stage occurs with couples who have been together a long time, or when the male’s hypothalamus has been affected by copulins non-stop for an extended time (several weeks or months). What’s important to remember is that these stages continue to advance, no matter the length of time between couplings. So, coupling two days in a row will have the same effect as coupling a second time after a year since the first time.
At this stage, the more aggressive copulins are favored as neurotransmitters over the male’s polypeptides, and the female’s input is primary as the copulins now direct the hypothalamus. This is not to say that the male is unable to think for himself, but what happens is that all input from the male is regulated at the hypothalamus level. The hypothalamus acts a relay station, processing two-way information. First, outside stimulus is first processed at the hypothalamus, which in turn tells the rest of the brain how to respond. Second, brain activity sends information to the hypothalamus, which in turn tells another part of the brain how to respond. The male brain can think for itself, unless it is in conflict with input from the female. The male can think of anything at all at this time, but as soon as input is received from the female, the brain focuses entirely on that input, and all thoughts that are contrary to the female’s input are halted. For example, the male might be thinking about playing golf on Tuesday, even though he knows the female doesn’t like him to play golf. If the female stated that he won’t think about golf anymore, and will instead think of her, the male will find himself incapable of thinking of golf while the copulins are present.
At this stage also is when copulins begin to desensitize nerves in the male genitalia. It’s not understood why copulins don’t have this effect initially, but I’ve speculated that it’s similar to a resistance breakdown. The more frequent copulins are in contact with nerve endings, the stronger their ability to anesthetize the nerves. At this stage, the male will experience mild tingling in the genitalia, and sometimes just below the navel.
In this stage or the next, as copulins flood the hypothalamus, the male may also experience hyperactive motor activity; his body may tremble, and his breathing can become short and irregular. Because the hypothalamus regulates motor activity, I can only assume this is a side effect of the “switch over” from polypeptide to copulin neurotransmission.
Stage 4)
Copulin dominance
Few couples achieve this level of copulin dominance in the male hypothalamus, and if it does happen, it is because the female has made a conscious effort to keep her copulins active in her mate’s hypothalamus. In short, this stage is not reached by accident. At this stage, the hypothalamus completely ignores the male’s polypeptides while copulins are present, even if the female gives no input. Although the male is not forming too many original thoughts, the brain is still communicating ideas back and forth; however, these ideas are completely regulated by what the male already knows the female expects. Using the example above, the male might think in the forefront, “What am I going to do on Tuesday?” Without ever considering golf, the male will answer himself by immediately thinking what the female would want. What’s important is that the male isn’t making a conscious effort to put himself in his mate’s shoes, but truly thinks he has formulated this idea on his own. Past communication has already established that the female doesn’t want him to play golf, and so the copulins allow only those thoughts that promote non-golf activities to reach the conscious level. This level is the classic copulin model that most people think about when it comes to copulins and their effects.
Also at this level is when copulins can affect the male limbic system where memories reside. Please remember that nothing is ever completely erased from memory. In even the most severe amnesia cases, memories have finally been accessed after many years. What is influenced is the access to the memories, not the memories themselves. At the female’s input, memories stored in the male’s limbic system can be locked, unable to be accessed by the male. By the same token, these same memories can be unlocked at a later date. Also, memories can be planted; that is, something that never happened can be planted as a memory, or an event can be altered. Females have often reported that when they’ve done anything with their mate’s memories, the male conveys a sensation of ecstasy and profound awe of the female. I’m not certain why this would happen, but my early premise is that this process (when the copulins manipulate the limbic system) triggers a chemical response similar to those of psycho active drugs.
The addiction at this level has changed so that the longer the male is without copulins, the more he craves it. He may crave copulins a day later, but a week later he will think about it often (he will think about coupling, or whatever activity has transmitted copulins in the past), and month later he may become constantly agitated. The few males I’ve interviewed on this admitted that they had no idea why they had grown increasingly upset, and were unaware that they were addicted to copulins.
Females report that males at this stage, as copulins are transmitting, steadily become “dumber”, repeating themselves or the female’s words, slurring, or mixing words up. Late in the coupling, females state that the male will typically become incoherent and finally go silent. Once a hypothalamus is flooded with copulins, the male brain is just sitting on idle, with only the bare minimum of thought process. In this state, the male is probably not thinking of anything at all, but any input from the female will become the male’s singular focus. This is the best occasion for accessing the limbic system effectively.
Stage four is also where we begin to see the male’s behavior capable of being modified, even after copulins are no longer present. The female can plant ideas during coupling (later stages of the session) and the male will act upon them at a later date, completely convinced they are his own idea, even if the male has not had copulins in his system for an extended period. Just as in hypnosis, trigger words can be used to “trigger” the male to respond in a predetermined fashion. What is happening here is that the copulin/hypothalamus communication creates new behavior models for the male. We all have behavior models from birth, and each person’s model is different, of course. When somebody says “chocolate”, my mouth begins to water, and I may hear my tummy rumble. My sister, however, may grimace at the word “chocolate”, for she is allergic to it and has learned that chocolate is a bad word. These are automatic responses, and the male’s response to a trigger word, or modified behavior during a coupling session, is the same—an automatic, unthinking response.
Whether this behavior modification via copulins is permanent or not is unknown; to date, no male research subject has slipped out of the behavior model set up by the female partner. Finding enough couples that have reached stage four willing to participate in a long term, controlled study has proven difficult.
The male at this level of copulin dependency may begin to see his female partner as something more than she is. He may attribute her seeming powers to something supernatural, divine, or having some kind of superiority over himself. Many males have stated that they learned their mate was superior to them in all ways, even when it was obvious this was not the case. One well-muscled male, who was considerably larger than his wife, believed she was physically stronger than he was. Another common testimony by males is that they feel their mate possesses a commanding voice, and can make things happen just by the power of her words. This sort of admiration the male has for his female partner can border on deification, and one male candidly asserted that his wife could electrocute him if she was so inclined. There is no way of knowing whether these notions of supernatural power were planted by the females, or were the unwitting fabrications by awestruck males, but after extensive interviews with the female subjects, it’s obvious that the males do at least elevate the female to a level of superiority.
At this stage, we see an increase in the occurrence of hyperactive motor activity when the copulins flood the hypothalamus. Also, the male will experience more numbness than before, with the genitalia become totally desensitized, and varying levels of numbness from upper thigh to just below the ribcage. Tingling sensations may travel up the spine, or in the palms and feet. A few testimonials report the same sensation in the back of the head, or rash-like discoloration on the cheeks, neck, or upper chest.
Late in this stage, the testicles appear to produce less sperm than in earlier stages, and on average, contain more copulins than before. The copulins have apparently directed the hypothalamus to, in turn, switch off sperm production. This then permits more volume of copulins to be stored in the testicles.
Stage 5)
Persona Assimilation
In my early studies of couples, I had mapped levels one through four, but in recent years, keeping in touch with many of those couples, I realized there was need for a new level. The couples in question had all maintained a stage 4 for five years or more. That is to say that the males had been receiving copulins regularly for many years. My initial assessment was that the levels of effect reached a plateau, and nothing new developed in male behavior. Couples had gone four years of almost daily coupling without noticing any positive change in the male’s behavior. All males exhibited the highest levels of behavior as described in stage 4 above. In 2002, I started receiving accounts of new behavior, and the next year, these accounts increased. By early 2004, I was convinced that all of the study couples had risen to a new stage, beyond that described before. This stage is based on testimony, not on actual controlled study.
Females reported that their male partners were acting on behalf of the female, as though anticipating the female’s needs before those needs were voiced. “It’s as though he’s reading my mind now,” one female said. The behavior described verges on how subconscious communication might work, and I received several emails asking if this was some sort of extrasensory perception, or something from the X-Files. One female asked if she and her husband were now communicating like animals, using some sixth sense. Let me assure you that there’s a less fantastical explanation.
My presumption is that the male has learned his partner’s traits so well that he “knows” her as well as she knows herself. This is not caused by anything mysterious, but rather, because the male has made the female his primary focus-- at such a high level, for an unbroken and extended time—he has assimilated the female’s values, character, manners and patterns. Before, the male performed what the female instructed because he was instructed to do so; however, at this stage, the male performs without instruction because that is what the female would do, or would want done. Of course, at stage four, the female could instruct the male to always do whatever needs to be done, but if anything new was thrown into the mix, the male would not act upon it. For example, a female described how she had her husband scrub the inside of the refrigerator every Saturday morning at 8:30 AM, which he faithfully performed for 38 months without fail. When the refrigerator was replaced, and the old one sat on the curb for pick up, that following Saturday, the male dutifully went out and scrubbed the old refrigerator as always, even though the appliance was now empty and destined for the dump. In stage five, the male thinks before acting. What has happened is that we’ve come full circle.
Before a male is introduced to copulins, or is in the early stages, he thinks for himself without input from the female. Later, the male thinks, but with the female’s input. Finally, at stage four, the male acts upon the female’s input without thinking. At stage five, the male is again thinking without input from the female, but what’s different from the first stage is that the male is thinking what the female would think. The male has effectively become an extension of the female, where the female is the mind, and the male is the body that acts out the mind’s instructions. To test my theory, I have asked the female couples reporting this stage to try and mix things up for an entire week, to confuse the males with unexpected instructions. All females reported that when they told their partner to do something uncharacteristic, the male continued to do things “the right way”. For instance, a female described her partiality for tidiness—a neat freak, in her own words. She then instructed her male to leave dishes out, toss dirty clothes on the floor, and not pick up anything that had been left out. The male did as instructed. “But,” she says, “then the mess started getting on my nerves, and without me saying a word, he immediately cleaned up the mess. I had planned on cutting your experiment short and having him clean up the mess the next day, but it was as though he picked up on my feelings or thoughts and acted on them.” Why this persona assimilation occurs could be attributed to repetition, as stated above, but it also could be attributed to something biological, and I hope to begin a controlled study of this late this year.
The last characteristic of this phase is that male ejaculation no longer appears to have any effect on copulin-induced behavior (see the page on How Copulins Work). In stages one through four, ejaculation eliminates copulins from the hypothalamus, but in stage five, it appears that either the copulins remain in the hypothalamus after ejaculation, or the hypothalamus has been trained to block the influence of testosterone. Without proper data, I can only guess what is happening at the chemical level.
Research since the mid to late 90s has proven that copulins can affect and even control a male's brain. It's long been known that a female's "pheromones" can affect certain male behavior. Pheromones will affect how a male behaves sexually toward the female, but copulins will affect a male's dominant/submissive behavior. Each female's copulins will affect each male's behavior differently and at different levels. A female whose copulins have a strong effect on a particular male may notice the male wanted to please her, offer gifts, and do what she wants. This is not a sexually driven need to please, but an unconscious reflex, and the female may notice there is no limit to what the male will do for her.
Cumulative effects of copulins on male behavior
Stage 1)
Initial copulin introduction.
The first time a female’s copulins are introduced into a male’s hypothalamus, the effects are usually anticlimactic. Typical reaction ranges from no effect, a general feeling of well-being, or a state of relaxation. Because copulins are similar to pheromones, the male may also find the female more attractive, but this is very rare. The most common reaction is no reaction. At this stage--which can last just one instance, or many—the male’s polypeptides in the hypothalamus are unaffected, and the receptors in the hypothalamus ignore the copulins.
Stage 2)
Initial copulin reception
At this stage, the male brain begins to receive copulins as input. As with all these stages, there is no line in the sand for when the first stage ends and the next stage begins. Some couples never reach this stage. The male’s receptors have begun to accept copulins as neurotransmitters; that is to say, the brain is no longer ignoring the copulins, and is actually being affected by them. The male’s polypeptides continue to do their job, however, so the male is now receiving mixed signals. He may feel slightly confused, but he will still be able to differentiate between his own thoughts and ideas, and those that are foreign. The female’s input may now sound like better ideas than they did before, but the male does still know these are the female’s ideas and not his own.
Furthermore, this is the stage where the male begins to develop recurring behaviors during coupling. Many of the occurrences during this time will become permanent. For example, if the male says something in particular, it may stick, and he will say this same phrase during subsequent couplings. I know of one couple where the male always recites the same joke each time they couple, always after about 20 minutes. This example is somewhat uncommon, for usually the repeated behavior will be something quite ordinary (like saying “I love you.”). It may seem ordinary, but later becomes unusual in that the behavior repeats at about the same time every coupling. The behavior is normal—the pattern is odd. This is a learned behavior, and is caused by when the copulins make their first communication with the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus remembers the copulins when they become present again, triggering whatever behavior the male exhibited that first time. Although at this time the male is aware of his behavior, it is a triggered, habitual response, requiring little thought.
The first phases of addiction begin at this stage as well. As stated before, copulins appear to be highly addictive. What is not known is whether it is a chemical or psychological addiction, or both. This addiction starts out as nothing more than a desire to “do that again sometime”, and this desire is strongest immediately after coupling, quickly weakening as time goes by. We’ll see how this addiction pattern flips in later stages.
In the late phases of this stage, the male may begin exhibiting submissive behavior toward the female, or at least the desire to please. Many females express their belief that this was caused by the intimacy and eroticism of the situation, and the male’s desire to please in order to garner sexual gratification. I disagree with this, but at this point have no way to prove or disprove my assertions.
Stage 3)
Copulin ascendancy
This advanced stage occurs with couples who have been together a long time, or when the male’s hypothalamus has been affected by copulins non-stop for an extended time (several weeks or months). What’s important to remember is that these stages continue to advance, no matter the length of time between couplings. So, coupling two days in a row will have the same effect as coupling a second time after a year since the first time.
At this stage, the more aggressive copulins are favored as neurotransmitters over the male’s polypeptides, and the female’s input is primary as the copulins now direct the hypothalamus. This is not to say that the male is unable to think for himself, but what happens is that all input from the male is regulated at the hypothalamus level. The hypothalamus acts a relay station, processing two-way information. First, outside stimulus is first processed at the hypothalamus, which in turn tells the rest of the brain how to respond. Second, brain activity sends information to the hypothalamus, which in turn tells another part of the brain how to respond. The male brain can think for itself, unless it is in conflict with input from the female. The male can think of anything at all at this time, but as soon as input is received from the female, the brain focuses entirely on that input, and all thoughts that are contrary to the female’s input are halted. For example, the male might be thinking about playing golf on Tuesday, even though he knows the female doesn’t like him to play golf. If the female stated that he won’t think about golf anymore, and will instead think of her, the male will find himself incapable of thinking of golf while the copulins are present.
At this stage also is when copulins begin to desensitize nerves in the male genitalia. It’s not understood why copulins don’t have this effect initially, but I’ve speculated that it’s similar to a resistance breakdown. The more frequent copulins are in contact with nerve endings, the stronger their ability to anesthetize the nerves. At this stage, the male will experience mild tingling in the genitalia, and sometimes just below the navel.
In this stage or the next, as copulins flood the hypothalamus, the male may also experience hyperactive motor activity; his body may tremble, and his breathing can become short and irregular. Because the hypothalamus regulates motor activity, I can only assume this is a side effect of the “switch over” from polypeptide to copulin neurotransmission.
Stage 4)
Copulin dominance
Few couples achieve this level of copulin dominance in the male hypothalamus, and if it does happen, it is because the female has made a conscious effort to keep her copulins active in her mate’s hypothalamus. In short, this stage is not reached by accident. At this stage, the hypothalamus completely ignores the male’s polypeptides while copulins are present, even if the female gives no input. Although the male is not forming too many original thoughts, the brain is still communicating ideas back and forth; however, these ideas are completely regulated by what the male already knows the female expects. Using the example above, the male might think in the forefront, “What am I going to do on Tuesday?” Without ever considering golf, the male will answer himself by immediately thinking what the female would want. What’s important is that the male isn’t making a conscious effort to put himself in his mate’s shoes, but truly thinks he has formulated this idea on his own. Past communication has already established that the female doesn’t want him to play golf, and so the copulins allow only those thoughts that promote non-golf activities to reach the conscious level. This level is the classic copulin model that most people think about when it comes to copulins and their effects.
Also at this level is when copulins can affect the male limbic system where memories reside. Please remember that nothing is ever completely erased from memory. In even the most severe amnesia cases, memories have finally been accessed after many years. What is influenced is the access to the memories, not the memories themselves. At the female’s input, memories stored in the male’s limbic system can be locked, unable to be accessed by the male. By the same token, these same memories can be unlocked at a later date. Also, memories can be planted; that is, something that never happened can be planted as a memory, or an event can be altered. Females have often reported that when they’ve done anything with their mate’s memories, the male conveys a sensation of ecstasy and profound awe of the female. I’m not certain why this would happen, but my early premise is that this process (when the copulins manipulate the limbic system) triggers a chemical response similar to those of psycho active drugs.
The addiction at this level has changed so that the longer the male is without copulins, the more he craves it. He may crave copulins a day later, but a week later he will think about it often (he will think about coupling, or whatever activity has transmitted copulins in the past), and month later he may become constantly agitated. The few males I’ve interviewed on this admitted that they had no idea why they had grown increasingly upset, and were unaware that they were addicted to copulins.
Females report that males at this stage, as copulins are transmitting, steadily become “dumber”, repeating themselves or the female’s words, slurring, or mixing words up. Late in the coupling, females state that the male will typically become incoherent and finally go silent. Once a hypothalamus is flooded with copulins, the male brain is just sitting on idle, with only the bare minimum of thought process. In this state, the male is probably not thinking of anything at all, but any input from the female will become the male’s singular focus. This is the best occasion for accessing the limbic system effectively.
Stage four is also where we begin to see the male’s behavior capable of being modified, even after copulins are no longer present. The female can plant ideas during coupling (later stages of the session) and the male will act upon them at a later date, completely convinced they are his own idea, even if the male has not had copulins in his system for an extended period. Just as in hypnosis, trigger words can be used to “trigger” the male to respond in a predetermined fashion. What is happening here is that the copulin/hypothalamus communication creates new behavior models for the male. We all have behavior models from birth, and each person’s model is different, of course. When somebody says “chocolate”, my mouth begins to water, and I may hear my tummy rumble. My sister, however, may grimace at the word “chocolate”, for she is allergic to it and has learned that chocolate is a bad word. These are automatic responses, and the male’s response to a trigger word, or modified behavior during a coupling session, is the same—an automatic, unthinking response.
Whether this behavior modification via copulins is permanent or not is unknown; to date, no male research subject has slipped out of the behavior model set up by the female partner. Finding enough couples that have reached stage four willing to participate in a long term, controlled study has proven difficult.
The male at this level of copulin dependency may begin to see his female partner as something more than she is. He may attribute her seeming powers to something supernatural, divine, or having some kind of superiority over himself. Many males have stated that they learned their mate was superior to them in all ways, even when it was obvious this was not the case. One well-muscled male, who was considerably larger than his wife, believed she was physically stronger than he was. Another common testimony by males is that they feel their mate possesses a commanding voice, and can make things happen just by the power of her words. This sort of admiration the male has for his female partner can border on deification, and one male candidly asserted that his wife could electrocute him if she was so inclined. There is no way of knowing whether these notions of supernatural power were planted by the females, or were the unwitting fabrications by awestruck males, but after extensive interviews with the female subjects, it’s obvious that the males do at least elevate the female to a level of superiority.
At this stage, we see an increase in the occurrence of hyperactive motor activity when the copulins flood the hypothalamus. Also, the male will experience more numbness than before, with the genitalia become totally desensitized, and varying levels of numbness from upper thigh to just below the ribcage. Tingling sensations may travel up the spine, or in the palms and feet. A few testimonials report the same sensation in the back of the head, or rash-like discoloration on the cheeks, neck, or upper chest.
Late in this stage, the testicles appear to produce less sperm than in earlier stages, and on average, contain more copulins than before. The copulins have apparently directed the hypothalamus to, in turn, switch off sperm production. This then permits more volume of copulins to be stored in the testicles.
Stage 5)
Persona Assimilation
In my early studies of couples, I had mapped levels one through four, but in recent years, keeping in touch with many of those couples, I realized there was need for a new level. The couples in question had all maintained a stage 4 for five years or more. That is to say that the males had been receiving copulins regularly for many years. My initial assessment was that the levels of effect reached a plateau, and nothing new developed in male behavior. Couples had gone four years of almost daily coupling without noticing any positive change in the male’s behavior. All males exhibited the highest levels of behavior as described in stage 4 above. In 2002, I started receiving accounts of new behavior, and the next year, these accounts increased. By early 2004, I was convinced that all of the study couples had risen to a new stage, beyond that described before. This stage is based on testimony, not on actual controlled study.
Females reported that their male partners were acting on behalf of the female, as though anticipating the female’s needs before those needs were voiced. “It’s as though he’s reading my mind now,” one female said. The behavior described verges on how subconscious communication might work, and I received several emails asking if this was some sort of extrasensory perception, or something from the X-Files. One female asked if she and her husband were now communicating like animals, using some sixth sense. Let me assure you that there’s a less fantastical explanation.
My presumption is that the male has learned his partner’s traits so well that he “knows” her as well as she knows herself. This is not caused by anything mysterious, but rather, because the male has made the female his primary focus-- at such a high level, for an unbroken and extended time—he has assimilated the female’s values, character, manners and patterns. Before, the male performed what the female instructed because he was instructed to do so; however, at this stage, the male performs without instruction because that is what the female would do, or would want done. Of course, at stage four, the female could instruct the male to always do whatever needs to be done, but if anything new was thrown into the mix, the male would not act upon it. For example, a female described how she had her husband scrub the inside of the refrigerator every Saturday morning at 8:30 AM, which he faithfully performed for 38 months without fail. When the refrigerator was replaced, and the old one sat on the curb for pick up, that following Saturday, the male dutifully went out and scrubbed the old refrigerator as always, even though the appliance was now empty and destined for the dump. In stage five, the male thinks before acting. What has happened is that we’ve come full circle.
Before a male is introduced to copulins, or is in the early stages, he thinks for himself without input from the female. Later, the male thinks, but with the female’s input. Finally, at stage four, the male acts upon the female’s input without thinking. At stage five, the male is again thinking without input from the female, but what’s different from the first stage is that the male is thinking what the female would think. The male has effectively become an extension of the female, where the female is the mind, and the male is the body that acts out the mind’s instructions. To test my theory, I have asked the female couples reporting this stage to try and mix things up for an entire week, to confuse the males with unexpected instructions. All females reported that when they told their partner to do something uncharacteristic, the male continued to do things “the right way”. For instance, a female described her partiality for tidiness—a neat freak, in her own words. She then instructed her male to leave dishes out, toss dirty clothes on the floor, and not pick up anything that had been left out. The male did as instructed. “But,” she says, “then the mess started getting on my nerves, and without me saying a word, he immediately cleaned up the mess. I had planned on cutting your experiment short and having him clean up the mess the next day, but it was as though he picked up on my feelings or thoughts and acted on them.” Why this persona assimilation occurs could be attributed to repetition, as stated above, but it also could be attributed to something biological, and I hope to begin a controlled study of this late this year.
The last characteristic of this phase is that male ejaculation no longer appears to have any effect on copulin-induced behavior (see the page on How Copulins Work). In stages one through four, ejaculation eliminates copulins from the hypothalamus, but in stage five, it appears that either the copulins remain in the hypothalamus after ejaculation, or the hypothalamus has been trained to block the influence of testosterone. Without proper data, I can only guess what is happening at the chemical level.
Too long
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