Saturday 16 January 2016


Okay before I start, DID YOU KNOW:
In Scotland and Ireland, 29th February in a leap year is said to be the one day when a woman can propose to her partner. Finland has the same custom with the addition that a man rejecting such a proposal was expected to buy his suitor enough cloth for a skirt as compensation.
So I’ve been researching on why men propose on one knee and I came cross very interesting reasons which just left me so flittered. okay, lemme not keep you waiting, here is what it all means:
Kneeling is a common practice in ceremonial situations such as praying and other religious activities. Kneeling can have the same spiritual connotation and can be seen as a sign of respect when proposing to a woman.
This custom of proposing n one knee goes back to the days of knighthood and chivalry. Knights would kneel while being awarded honors from kings and queens. A marriage proposal can be seen as an honor.
It’s a sign of respect, honor and surrender. Those are the reasons behind the bended knee in marriage. It’s a sign of respect, the man lowers himself as an act of humility before the woman he decides to spend the rest of his life with.
Furthermore, when he is on one knee, the man is face to face with the woman’s womb, where life is created. He is honoring her body and honoring her as the Lord’s creation which deserves to be revered.
The man is surrendering himself and the rest of his life to her. He is surrendering bachelorhood for fatherhood in promising to raise children with her and remain faithful to her in all things.
The bent knee proposal elevates the ring’s position between the two people which allows the light to hit it clearly. This brings out the shine of the ring which is a sign of commitment between the couples.
But whether or not these ideas of origin are true, any kind of proposal – bended knee or flash mob – is a gesture of love and commitment.


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