Friday 24 November 2017

Who Is The Most Important Person In Your Life???

Lemme give you a clue :

Have you ever asked yourself why is it that words, even from those you dislike (or even those you don't know), really affect you?

Well, its this simple, Every human being is significant. Whether they are poor or rich, drunk or sober, sick or healthy, e.t.c, they are equally significant.

Anyway, enough about everyone else, lets talk about you.

I know my mind may play tricks on me at times but today, its sober and ready to share the little knowledge I believe it has acquired in this journey called life.

Yes, you matter.

Recently, in my reading adventures, I came across this phrase "You are the center of the universe". I dug deeper, and actually, I came to learn that its true, at least for now. So enjoy your life because your world revolves around you. I mean it.

When I say your world revolves around you, I'm not talking about history, physics, geography or any of those things you learn in class, so if you are going to bring your educational brilliance-ness here, please readjust your mind then come back and continue reading.

When I say that, I say it to mean that you are a very significant person. Your life matters. Wherever it is that you're at, you are needed. Even if it doesn't seem so at times.

I was to publish this yesterday but it felt too touchy feeling and so i felt that people don't want to be told this. After I had shutdown my laptop and do something else, a reality show i really like started and I decided to watch it.

Its a makeover show, and this lady was brought in. She really needed the makeover haha. I mean, she was in a very baggy long dress, some shoes I cannot describe and wore two sweaters over the dress. She looked like she was from 1950s. She said she was ashamed of her body and she was afraid of attention. Long story short, I realized that people have feelings whose food is words to remind them of there greatness. 

She was very beautiful and pretty, i mean, she had an hour glass figure but her insecurities could not allow her see past her "big chest" as she put it.  Which by the way, looked good too.

Its okay to have issues, its okay not to be perfect. Don't let your imperfections
cloud your judgment of you. Even that person you see is so perfect, trust me, they are not. Everyone has issues, that i can confidently attest to you. So don't ever be tempted to think that there is someone better than you or more important than you because its never gonna happen and it ain't true.

When it comes to self, don't measure yourself against anyone other than yourself. Its cliché but i don't think many people really say it and mean it. But I mean it. DO NOT MEASURE YOU WITH ANYONE

Then if anything affects you and you think it ain't being done right, Speak Up. You have a voice Use it.

So in short:
  • You Are The Center Of The Universe.
  • Your World Revolves Around You.
  • You Are The Most Important Person To You.
  • You Are The Measure Of Beauty And Intelligence In Your World.
  • Your Opinions Matter 
 Spoken Word(A must Watch)
PS: The entire universe is a projection of consciousness. We experience the universe as a projection through us because each of us is a center of consciousness. Therefore we are all centers of the universe. There really is no here or there because everything is at one point where consciousness is. We all do not exist in different places but are all present at one point. The reality of here and there is all created and experienced within the singularity of consciousness itself. Where you are is the center of the universe.

Friday 22 September 2017

logical Thinking

Logical thinking, or as I like to call it, rational thinking, is allowing your brain to do its work. It’s thinking with your head and not your emotions, feelings or even your pants ooh yes I said it.

 About two years ago, I used to hear a very close friend talk about these concept time after time. But not until recently did it get my attention and I started assessing my thinking patterns and how it was filled with lots of irrational patterns and well kinda stupid explanation to things that were simple, precise and clear.  For example, I would contemplate for hours on telling someone to do something that that person is actually supposed to or silently suffer alone just because I feared asking for help. I don’t know why I tortured and loaded myself with burdens that were not my own. All I ever needed to do was speak out and know myself and my responsibilities in each circumstance.

More often than not, we fall in this trap of thinking with our emotions when it’s our brains turn to work. We often think of people when we are supposed to be thinking of ourselves. We get carried away by the masses when we know that the only one who matters to you in that crowd is you, the only one who you are responsible for, is you. Well more often than not, my friend, what makes us think and/or do all this, is irrational thinking. Thinking with our emotions and feelings.

When I realized I was a victim of thinking with my emotions, I started looking around and I found out I wasn’t alone. The world is field with people who worry too much, people who overthink even very small issues that don’t really require us to dwell on as much as we do. You often hear people saying “but what will they think of me”, “people think we are awesome together, what will they think if I leave him”, “what if she gets mad at me for saying that”, and the list goes on. Some people are even afraid to say when they are being harassed or abused or disrespected just because of how they portray those people either their bosses, parents, siblings, partners e.t.c to be greater than them. Well, haha, of course they are greater than you, maybe by age or rank or something else, but that doesn’t mean you’re any less of a person. So you deserve their respect as much as they deserve yours. Never forget that.

 So today I come bearing good news. You don’t need to think too much on quite a lot of things. You don’t have to stress on what people will think because if they are on your side, they will stick around and if they are not, it doesn’t matter what you do or how much you do it, they will still leave. Its high time you think of what you want. If you want something, GO THE FUCK GET IT.

Basically, logical thinking is all about being able to separate your emotions from your thinking. Its being able to do something without irrational patterns. For example, if somebody hurts you tell them don’t keep it to yourself. If somebody tells you to do something you don’t want to do, speak out. If you think you have an answer to a question in class, then say it out loud, if you’re wrong then you’ll get to learn something new otherwise you are right.


😑😑😑Have you ever wished that you were placed in someone else's shoes just so that you may see life in their perspective? L...